Changing the number of Button Rows

Quick Answer:

Go to “Tools” > “Preferences” Click on the “Frame” tab and change the “Save and Edit Toolbar Rows” to 2. Then close and re-open Schemata.

Long Answer:

I tend to work on a large screen (1900×1600) and I develop and test the schemata tool on that screen. Often I note that users working on smaller screens are inconvenienced because there are too many windows and the buttons above the schematic pane do not fit. At some point I will offer more configurations and perhaps “clean up” the frame but for now I provide an option to change the number of tool bar button rows (this is the most common complaint). To do this open “Tools” > “Preferences” and click on the “Frame” tab. Change the “Save and Edit Toolbar Rows” to 2. Then close and re-open Schemata.